Wednesday, February 13, 2013


in translation
If you will
The language here
is indecipherable
There is only fear
And the eternal
What would you
do if you knew
You would not fail?
Sometimes I just
Want to pack
My bags and
Take my boys
And run away
Some place safe
Where they are free
Where their roads
Will be paved
without pride
or prejudice
But where is that
Where on earth?
And these times
If only
I could take them
back to my womb
Turn back time
But there is only
The here and now
What must be faced
Must be faced, confronted
Even those who refuse
Refusal or fear
Same difference really
So how do I make
Sense of all of this?
I don't.
I let it be.
Because I am not
In control
Nobody ever is
And I dig hard
Dig deep
Where there is joy
Find that joy
The air that I breathe
The life that remains,
Through my veins
And perhaps I'll find
even peace
And this joy and
this peace will
Burn out all
the pain.


  1. Bea, I hope you are well. So much pain in this post and I know how strong you are but we all have times of weakness and it is in those times we learn the most. I pray for you and your boys... Lots of love from us :)

    1. Your friendship, love and support keeps me strong, Kary. Thank you...xo

  2. After reading this sad post, hope you are doing fine.
    Well, you are a tough one -- you can handle this.

    1. I'm coping as best as I can. Sometimes, it just gets too much. Your belief in my strength reinforces the belief in myself. Thank you, Eric. :)
