Thursday, August 4, 2011


Circumstances unfurl
like a a map of the world
spread out on a sparse of wood
Places to go
Adventures to explore
And yet, where do we even begin?
Our life has been
that of one great journey
of pure discovery
of our true selves
the length we are
wiling to go to
the road we are willing
to take
the sacrifices we have
chosen to make
And the depth of
our love we claim to have
tested beyond human
And then we were blessed
with the greatest gifts
Garret, our Little Prince
Morgan, our Feisty King
Now, our "unmei"- our destiny
is as clear as an overflowing spring
Our purpose, our road map
is right before our very eyes
Our boys are our calling
To love them
with a love that endures
beyond time, beyond space
to love them with a love
that goes beyond loving

We were chosen,
not because we are able
We are chosen
because simply
this is who we are.
To understand such theory
is as incomprehensible as
the answer to
why the universe was made
But to accept it as it is
is the greatest choice
we could ever take.
So now once again
We look at the map of the world
with fresh new eyes
with renewed strength
with ever-enduring love
for our two beautiful
amazing boys.
They are our destination,
They are our journey
They are our life
And what a wonderful, beautiful,
amazing adventure we will have!

1 comment:

  1. We do choose our own paths in life...and nothing is ever coincidence.
    I love your insight and positive energy you choose to put into your path :)
    Your family will continue to be blessed every step of the way.
