I sing, "The wheels on the bus go..."
Garret sings, "wownd and wownd
I sing, "Round and round"
He sings, "all through the town"
"The wipers on the bus..."
"Go wees wees wees"
"Swish swish swish"...
"All through the town..."
In another moment, Morgan cups my face in his hands, stares at me eyes twinkling, grinning, laughing. No words are said. Only embraces that become tighter the more he laughs his heart out. Until he catches his breath from our roughhousing.
This is how Garret and I converse. This is how we connect. We sing.
This is how Morgan and I talk. This is how we connect. We embrace and play.
And when we do, it doesn't matter that we are repeating age old nursery rhymes and playing with no specific purpose in mind than just to sing and play. It may seem repetitive, boring, nonsensical, childish to others. But for me it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Because in those few precious moments, my little prince and feisty king are in my arms, looking at me intently, happy. And in those moments, we are connecting to each other through our own language. In those moments I know in my heart they know the love I have for them. In those precious, merciful moments, our world is perfect.
Isn't this all we really want in this life? Isn't this all we need in life? To connect with somebody? With our dearest friends? To know we are not alone in our journeys no matter how different our baggage may be? With our life partner? To go through life with each other as anchors when the turbulent seas of life become rough. To be each others sails and be one others wind at the same time so we may become who we are meant to be. With our children? To know their deepest fears and aspirations, to let them know how we love them so much that they wouldn't even know what to do with the love we have for them?
Converse, discuss, dialogue, talk to each other about everything. Have a good conversation. The simple ones. Even the hard ones. Especially the hard ones. Face each other. Be vulnerable enough to show who you truly are. Be brave enough to see people as they really are. Laugh hard. Weep, if you must. Be angry if you should be. Don't turn in. Open your heart, arms outstretch, palms facing the skies. You may not get hurt with closed palms but you can't catch all the miracles the Universe has intended for you either.
So go ahead, look to the people around you. Converse. Connect. Sing if you want. Hold a friend's hand if that is what is needed right now. I'm hoping you might have a piece of what I experience with my beautiful boys-- A moment of perfection. Every single day.